5 Easy Witch Journal Prompts to Use to Celebrate Mabon

Written by Lily Blackwood / September 23, 2022

Celebrate the Autumn Equinox with these Mabon Journal Prompts

Mabon is here – marking the start of the northern hemisphere’s descent into the year’s darkest months. After today, the light will fade quickly, and the nights will grow long and cold. The darkest parts of the year offer us a time to reflect, reset and rest after the carefree times of the spring and summer. 

Mabon is the start of the harvest season, which is a great time to reflect on all the growth we’ve experienced in the growing seasons of the year. So, if you’re looking for ways to celebrate Mabon, why not try Modern Mystic Press’ witch journal prompts? Our Mabon journal prompts will help you reflect on all that you’ve accomplished this year, connect with the energy of the Fall , plus help you get clarity on what you still want to get done before New Year’s Eve. 

Mabon Journal Prompts 

These Mabon journal prompts are written to help you get in touch with where you are personally on the Wheel of the Year. This time of year is the perfect time to take inventory of where you are spiritually and physically and set intentions about where you want to go leading up to the New Year. Mabon offers a time of introspection when we reflect on the past and prepare for the future.

Journaling offers a great way to explore your thoughts, feelings, and desires about the changing seasons. Here are our favorite witch journal prompts to you reflect this harvest season:

Witch Journal Prompt One

Look back on your year so far — have you accomplished your goals you set for yourself at the start of the year? If you have accomplished the goals, which ones were they and how do you feel about them now? If you did not accomplish those goals, what got in the way to you achieving your desires? Do you still have time to achieve any part of your goals from Mabon until Yule?

Witch Journal Prompt Two

The year is coming to a close and it will be time to celebrate the start of 2023. What do you hope to achieve in the upcoming months left in the year?

Witch Journal Prompt Three

Now that you know more about Mabon, what does it mean to you? How will you incorporate Mabon's symbolism into your life leading up to the next Witch Holiday?

Witch Journal Prompt Four

Mabon marks a day of when the day and night are equal, which only happens twice a year. What area of your life do you need to find more balance? How can you start accomplishig that today on the autmun equinox?

Witch Journal Prompt Five

From now until Samhain, the veil between the worlds is thinning according to Neo-Pagan traditions and supersistions. How will you honor those in your life who have come before you? What traditions have they given you that you will carry forward in your life and pass down to your bloodline?

What is Mabon? 

Mabon is one of the eight witch holidays celebrated on the Wheel of the Year. It is also known as the Pagan Thanksgiving. In the northern hemisphere, Mabon is celebrated on the Autumn Equinox, when the day and night are equal. It marks a time of balance, equality, harmony, and gratitude. According to Neo-Pagans, Mabon is said to be a time when the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world starts to thin leading up to Hallow’s Eve (also known as Samhain) 

When is Mabon 2022 ? 

In 2022, Mabon, also known as the Fall Equinox happens on September the 22nd. 

History of Mabon 

Since the days of antiquity, humans across the globe have had various names and celebrations marking the harvest season. According to the Boston Public Library, Neo-Celtic pagans borrowed the name Mabon from a Welsh God in the 1970s. Researchers at the library say that Mabon as a holiday was not originally a Celtic celebration. Regardless, celebrating the change of seasons and harvest time is an ancient human tradition. 

Ways to Celebrate Mabon

  • Take a hay ride
  • Take a hike: In majority of the United States you can find a place to hike where you can enjoy the beautiful colors of the fall leaves before they are gone.
  • Have a bonfire: There is no better way to celebrate a Witch Holiday than with a bonfire. However, due to the on going changes in climates across the U.S. you may want to check with your local fire department before your you light any logs. Fire bans are becoming more prevalent. If you live in an area that is prone to wild fires pick a more responsible way to celebrate.
  • Volunteer with charity like the food bank
  • Pick pumpkins at your local pumpkin patch
  • Pick apples: In the northern parts of the United States, apples are ripe for the picking. Gather friends, or family and take a tour to your local apple orchard.
  • Pick Pecans: In the southern parts of the United States, pecans are being readied for harvest. Disclaimer: This activity is not for anyone with nut allergies or who lives with people who have nut allergies. If that is not a concern for you, you can go to your local Pecan orchard and pick up a bag of nuts or at the very least throw back some Pralines or Pecan Pie.
  • Bake dishes with apples: Who doesn't love a good old apple pie? If you're not much of a baker you can go pick one up at your local bakery or grocery store.
  • Decorate your home: Outside of Christmas aka Yule, the fall season offers some of the best home decorations you could ask for. It's a great time to start decorating with Autumn and Halloween themes. If you need some inspiration, check out this Harvest Season decor board.
  • Create an ancestor altar: From now until Halloween (aka Samhain) it's a time to honor your fore mothers and forefathers.
  • Journal: Journaling offers you a place to reflect on where you've been and where you're going. Which was the entire point of this blog post.
  • Clean up family graves or volunteer to help clean up abandon cemeteries 
  • Deep clean your home: You've heard of Spring Cleaning which usually takes place around the Spring Equinox, now it's time for Fall Cleaning. Don't be afraid to de-clutter your house. In the spirit of giving that is associated with harvest season, it's the perfect time to drop off your gently used items to your local charities and thrift stores.
  • Donate to a food bank ahead of Thanksgiving, if you want to make a production out of it get your co-workers, and community involved
  • Host a harvest dinner prepared with seasonal ingredients: Depending on where you live in the United States there a lot of crops that are ripe for picking. Just swing by your local farm or farmers market to get all the seasonal produce you need.
  • Find some balance: There has to be some area of your life that you've been neglecting, or have been giving too much of your energy too. Identify those areas where you could use more equilibrium.
  • Visit a local winery: In Autumn, grapes are at their peak. If you're 21 and older, now is a perfect time to take a tour at your local winery and sample the products. If you do not drink, just have a nice glass of grape juice.

In Conclusion

Mabon is all about finding balance, and giving thanks. It is my hope that you will use our witch journal prompts to take a look back on how far you've come, and then find the strength you need to press forward. Soon, we will be releasing more journal prompts to help you connect with the spirit of Halloween which is also known as the 9th witch holiday on the Wheel of the Year. Writing offers us all a powerful way to connect with the energy of the changing seasons. If you're looking to buy a new notebook, you can check out our spiritual journals.

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