46 Helpful Questions To Ask In A Tarot Reading For Love

Written by Lily Blackwood / September 21, 2022

The Tarot and Love

The tarot is a powerful divination tool that can help you gain clarity about any area of your life – including LOVE. Whether you’re looking for guidance about a current relationship, a past relationship, or looking for insight into what the future might hold, tarot readings can help you along the way. If you have an upcoming tarot reading, you may wonder what the best questions to ask your psychic about matters of your heart.

Keep scrolling – and let’s explore some of the most important questions to ask in a tarot reading to make sure you get the most out of your sessions. So if you’re ready to know what’s next for you, here are 46 questions to ask in a tarot reading about love.

Tarot card readings can be magical experiences

Tarot Questions About Love

Are you looking for the perfect tarot questions to ask about a crush? Or maybe you want to know when love will enter your life. These tarot questions can help you get to the bottom of that. . .

  1. Why haven’t I met my life partner yet? 
  2. What steps do I need to take to attract the ideal partner for me into my life? 
  3. What are my blockages to finding love? 
  4. What hobbies or interests might lead me to my next love? 
  5. What is next in my love life? 
  6. What main characteristics and traits should I seek in a romantic partner? 
  7. How can I become more confident as I look for new love? 
  8. What does my latest crush (he/she/they) think about me? 
  9. How does my new love interest feel about me? 
  10. What is the best way to make my feelings known to my crush? 
  11. Who is my future husband/wife? 
  12. When will he ask me to marry him? 
  13. When will he ask me to commit to him and be his girlfriend? 
  14. What are my romantic needs right now? 
  15. What is the romantic potential with my new crush/lover? 
  16. What is the most probable outcome if I pursue a relationship with [insert name?] 

Tarot Questions About Ex-Loves & Break Ups

Maybe you're trying to find the right questions to ask about your ex or get more clarity on a break up. These questions can help you find the answers you need.

  1. How could I have been a better partner in my past relationship(s)? 
  2. What should I leave behind from my past relationships/lovers? 
  3. How can I heal from the heartbreak of my last relationship? 
  4. How can I recover from the abuse in my past relationship? 
  5. How can I move forward after my relationship with *insert name*ends? 
  6. What lesson do I need to learn from my ex-lover? 
  7. What is the biggest thing that held back my last relationship?
  8. What is blocking me from moving on from [insert ex-partner’s name]? 
  9. Do they want to return to me? 
  10.  What does he/she wish to mend between us? 
  11. If my ex wants to return to me, will it be worth trying the relationship with [insert name] again? 
  12. Will my relationship with my ex work out the way I want if I try again? 

Tarot Questions About A Current Relationship

Do you need guidance on a relationship you're currently in? You can use these questions or let them inspire you to create your own.

  1. What has my current partner come into my life to teach me? 
  2. How can I be a better partner in my current relationship? 
  3. How can my partner and I strengthen our relationship? 
  4. Where is my current relationship heading? 
  5. What parts of myself should I nurture now in this relationship? 
  6. What can I do to rekindle the love in my current relationship? 
  7. What can I do to revive the trust in my current relationship? 
  8. What can I do to spice up my current relationship? 
  9. What false ideals do I have about my current partner? 
  10. In what way am I sabotaging my current relationship? 
  11. Is my present partner cheating or seeing someone else behind my back? 
  12. How can I communicate a particular issue to my partner in the best possible way?
  13. Is the current relationship I am in the right for me at this time? 
  14. What are the benefits of my relationship?
  15. What are the drawbacks of my current romantic relationship? 
  16. What risks am I taking that I cannot see in my current relationship? 
  17. Is there anything we’re not seeing about my current partner that I should be aware of?
  18. How can we make this friendship work better for both of us? 

Prepare For Your Tarot Reading 

A love tarot reading can be eye-opening, giving you the answers you need about where your heart has been and what direction it may be heading. However, before you sit down for a session, you must go in prepared. Here are three things you can do to get the most out of your tarot love reading:

Keep an open mind 

Even if you think you know what your tarot reader will say, it’s best to go into your reading with an open mind. It’s important to be receptive to what messages the tarot cards give you. Sometimes, what the decks have to say can be a shock. The answers you receive from your reader may be ones you are not ready to hear or take action on. The tarot reading could even reveal situations you are unaware of right now. No matter what, keep an open mind and take what you 

Know your intention 

You need to know in your heart why you are turning to the tarot for answers. Before you even book your tarot reading, knowing exactly what you want out of your reading is essential. Do you want closure? Do you want answers about your current or past relationship? Whatever outcome you desire, ensure you have set your intention before going in. 

Take Action 

A love tarot reading can provide you with some powerful insights and even some upsetting ones. No matter what answers arise in your reading, it’s important to remember you are the only one who can decide what to do with the information you receive. If the love reading reveals that you must put in work for a healthy relationship or that it’s time to finally let your toxic narcissistic ex go, or that a change in scenery will set you on the path to your soul mate, then be prepared to take your life to the next level.

Tarot Reading FAQ

Let's get to the bottom of some general tarot facts and questions to help you know what to expect.

How long does a tarot love reading take?

How long a tarot reading takes depends on the tarot reader. Some readers will allow their clients to book 15 minutes, 30 minutes and even hour-long tarot reading sessions. If your tarot reader is more of the type of freestyle, he/she/they will let the tarot reading flow naturally. 

What is a love tarot reading? 

A love tarot reading is a type of divination reading that focuses on questions and concerns in romantic relationships. A love tarot reading is designed to give you clarity about your love life and lovers and help you take action to find the love you want (if you don’t already have it). 

What can love tarot reading tell you about your relationships? 

A tarot reading for love can help you uncover problems in your relationships and give you more information about blockages keeping you from finding the love you desire. 

They can also tell you about:

  • Potential relationships/potential partners 
  • Where you can improve yourself as a lover 
  • If you’re making a good decision with your partner 
  • How you can improve your love life & relationships 

Final Thoughts

Love is all consuming, chaotic , and sometimes confusing. It's only natural to want to get the tea on your lovers and your love life. So, if you're curious about what love has in-store for you don't be hesitate to use our tarot love reading questions with your tarot reader.

The insight you seek from the tarot may surprise you, enlighten you and maybe even give you hope to get back in the saddle to search for love once more.

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